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VA Benefits

Veterans Affairs Benefits

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One of the more difficult tasks a survivor faces after the death of the veteran is completing the numerous claims forms for VA survivors' benefits. The anxiety and fear of the unknown - who to call, what to do, or where to go for help - can be an unpleasant experience. To help ease the burden and to ensure you will have the necessary details for filing a claim, here are some basic quick tips.


•Veteran's discharge certificate or DD 214

•Veteran's VA claim's number or Social Security number

•Veteran's death certificate

•Government life insurance policy

•Copy of all marriage certificates and divorce decrees (if any)

•Copy of each child's birth certificate (or adoption order)

•Veteran's birth certificate to determine parents' benefits

•If the veteran or yourself was previously married…

-A certified copy or original of the divorce decree or a death certificate proving the previous marriage was dissolved by divorce or death.

•If there are dependent children…

-For children under the age of 18 or over 18 and still in school, you need a certified copy or original of their birth certificates.

-For children over 18 and still in school, you will need VA Form 21-674 filled out.

•If either of you currently receive Social Security benefits...

-You will need to know the exact amount for each of you.

•If you already have a VA claim number...

-You must furnish to the VA the VA claim number you have been assigned.

•If either of you receive additional income..

-The source and exact amount of the benefit must be reported to the VA.


If you will qualify for Social Security benefits, you should go to the Social Security Office BEFORE coming to the VA Office. Once you have all the forms and information that applies to you, call the VA Office to make an appointment, to file your claim.

Contact the nearest VA Benefits Office at 1-800-827-1000 from any location in the United States

and Puerto Rico or visit VA service representatives can answer questions about

benefits eligibility and application procedures. VA facilities also are listed in the federal government

section of telephone directories under "Veterans Affairs."

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